Our seven thematic groups serve as powerful engines of collaboration, uniting member organizations to address critical issues impacting children’s rights across Uganda. Through collective action and strategic advocacy, these groups harness the strength of collaboration to achieve greater impact and bring about positive change for children. By working together, they can act in a more effective way in raising issues regarding child rights.

Child Trafficking and Child Labor

In this group, member organizations join forces to combat child trafficking and child labor, leveraging collective expertise and resources to advocate for stronger legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and support services to protect children from exploitation and abuse.

Alternative Care

In this group, member organizations join forces to combat child trafficking and child labor, leveraging collective expertise and resources to advocate for stronger legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and support services to protect children from exploitation and abuse.

Children with Disabilities

In this group, member organizations join forces to combat child trafficking and child labor, leveraging collective expertise and resources to advocate for stronger legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and support services to protect children from exploitation and abuse.


In this group, member organizations join forces to combat child trafficking and child labor, leveraging collective expertise and resources to advocate for stronger legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and support services to protect children from exploitation and abuse.

Access to Justice

By joining forces in this group, member organizations strive to enhance access to justice for children, working together to strengthen legal protections, ensure fair treatment within the judicial system, and provide vital support for child victims and witnesses of abuse and violence.


By joining forces in this group, member organizations strive to enhance access to justice for children, working together to strengthen legal protections, ensure fair treatment within the judicial system, and provide vital support for child victims and witnesses of abuse and violence.

Sexual Violence Against Children

In this group, member organizations join forces to combat child trafficking and child labor, leveraging collective expertise and resources to advocate for stronger legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, and support services to protect children from exploitation and abuse.

Get Involved!

Member organizations of UCRNN are invited to join thematic groups based on the child rights issues they work around.
By collaborating within thematic groups, organizations can multiply their impact, leveraging collective strength and resources to drive meaningful change for children across Uganda.
Contact us at to learn more about how your organization can become part of this transformative collaboration. Member organizations can also propose other thematic groups if they feel the need.