UCRNN Annual Report 2022

  • Annual General Meeting:
    UCRNN conducted its first AGM in over 3 years, bringing together 39 members of the network who deliberated on key issues concerning the network. Key to this was the election of the new Board of Directors.
    The NGO Complementary report on the UNCRC (November 2022):
    57 CSOs under UCRNN came together to generate, and validate an alternative report to the UNCRC in 2022; with the final validation meeting finally taking place in November 2022.


UCRNN Annual Report 2021

  • National child-focused budgeting (December 2021):
    UCRNN partnered with the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the Joining Forces Coalition (inclusive of Plan International Uganda, World Vision Uganda, Child Fund, SOS, TDH NL, and Save the Children) to organize a CSO National Budget Dialogue FY 2022/2023 on child-friendly budget, with a specific focus on the issues of children in the face of COVID 19.


Financial Report - 2020

  • Regional Approach towards developing a Practical Pathway in Tackling Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the context of COVID-19 (October 2020): 
    UCRNN partnered with the East African Child Rights Network (EACRN) to convene a meeting with network members working around ending the sexual exploitation of children in Uganda (among others UYDEL, SOMERO, TDH, Platform for Labour Action, RAHAB Uganda) to discuss how children can be safeguarded during the period of COVID 19 as most of them were at home due to closure of schools.


Financial Report - 2019

  • First Executive Council Meeting of the African Partnership to End Violence against Children (APEVAC), Hosted by– the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF), the Secretariat of APEVAC (August 2019):
    The first face-to-face meeting of the Executive Council focused on discussing APEVAC’s progress and building consensus around the required APEVAC transition to catalyze a significant reduction in violence against children in Africa. It brought together eight members, including representatives from the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Uganda, the ACERWC, the East African Community, the African Movement for Working Children and Young Youth, UCRNN, End Violence, Save the Children International Liaison Office to AU and a representative of a philanthropic organization.