• Financial Report – 2019
  • First Executive Council Meeting of the African Partnership to End Violence against Children (APEVAC), Hosted by– the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF), the Secretariat of APEVAC (August 2019): The first face-to-face meeting of the Executive Council focused on discussing APEVAC’s progress and building consensus around the required APEVAC transition to catalyze a significant reduction in violence against children in Africa. It brought together eight members, including representatives from the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Uganda, the ACERWC, the East African Community, the African Movement for Working Children and Young Youth, UCRNN, End Violence, Save the Children International Liaison Office to AU and a representative of a philanthropic organization.
  • National stakeholder’s dialogue on sexual exploitation of children in Uganda: UCRNN, in partnership with ECPAT International, convened a national Stakeholders’ Dialogue on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Uganda in 2019.
  • Stakeholders advocacy dialogue on alternative care in Uganda: UCRNN and its partners convened a dialogue with a wide constituency of stakeholders including Alternative Care Initiatives, SOS Children’s Villages, Child’s I Foundation, CRANE, Naguru remand home, Child Fund, Hope Care Uganda, Sanyu Babies Home, Parenting Uganda, Cheshire Services Uganda, officials from Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development among other stakeholders to build consensus and generate debate on alternative care in the country and devise lasting solutions to the management of children without parental care.
  • Consensus meeting with the alternative care thematic group: An advocacy consensus meeting on Alternative Care in Uganda was convened to explore opportunities for collective action on alternative care. The meeting helped strengthen the Alternative Care thematic group and inclusive participation from all the members in the group was emphasized to create more ownership and commitment among the members.
  • Validation meeting on the Draft Child Rights Situation Analysis Report: UCRNN conducted one validation meeting to study and review the Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA) report that was developed by the Joining Forces Coalition. The CRSA was conducted to provide an overview of the situation regarding children’s rights to education, health and nutrition, and protection from abuse and exploitation, and came up with a Child Rights Situation


  • UCRNN participated in the national survey on prevention and violence against children. (link to the report)
  • Owing to the increasing number of child abuse cases experienced in the country, UCRNN initiated the CSO led child helpline in 2006 as a reporting and response mechanism. In a bid to strengthen this service, UCRNN in 2013, lobbied government and the private sector through the public private partnership to support the Child Helpline and a short code 116 for reporting child abuse.
  • The Network has since its inception submitted four (4) reports to the UN Committee of Experts on the Rights of the Child on the implementation of the (UNCRC) and its two Optional Protocols, two (2) reports to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; two (2) CSO reports to the UN Human Rights Council for Uganda’s Universal Periodic Review.
  • The Network has supported the development of a Uganda CSO alternative report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; generated the Uganda Joint Monitoring Report on Children in Armed Conflict; and made contributions to the various global Horizontal Notes presented to the UN Security Council on Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms of Grave Violations in Armed Conflict. (link to the reports)
  • Further, as a host to End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT) Uganda, UCRNN also generated the Country Monitoring Report on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC). (link to the report)
  • UCRNN members signed up to different thematic groups (link to page) that were developed and through these, they were able to participate in the generation of position papers that informed the passing and enactment of the Children’s (Amendment) Act 2016; the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act Regulations; policies on education and on ending child marriage, among others.
  • The network was in charge of organizing The Tumaini Awards an Initiative to recognize and honor those working to improve the lives of children in Uganda, and to inspire others to do the same.in partnership with Child Fund, Compassion International, Save the Children in Uganda, the African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN Uganda chapter), and World Vision Uganda.