UCRNN is a membership coalition consisting of 150; Community-based, National and International level organizations that share an interest in child rights issues and the membership is still growing.

The membership brings together skills, knowledge, resources and commitment. The membership also has different spheres of influence within their thematic areas. In becoming members, they lend this credibility to the coalition.

UCRNN draws its mandate from the UNCRC, which hinges on the four guiding principles that inform programming for children. These principles are:

  • The right of all children to be free from discrimination
  • The right to have their best interests given primary consideration
  • The inherent rights of children to  survival and development and
  • The right of children to participate in all matters affecting them

Because the principles provide the basis for the existence of UCRNN, the organizations joining the coalition MUST adhere to them.  

Category of Members

There are three categories of membership to the Network:

  1. Ordinary membership – This is conferred by the general assembly upon recommendation of the Board of Directors on to child rights actors organizations.
  2. Honorary Membership – This is conferred by the general assembly upon recommendation of the Board of Directors on to people distinguished in child rights service. Such members shall not be subject tom pay fess but shall be required to promote the network in different ways.
  3. Associate Membership – This is conferred by the general assembly upon recommendation by the Board of Directors on to transnational organizations distinguished in child rights service.

Register of Members

There is a register of members showing in respect of each member:

(a) The name, address and location.
(b) The vision, mission, objectives and activities.
(c) The date of admission.
Contact us at to learn more about how your organization can become part of the network.


General roles and obligations/Expectations of member organizations are provided for in the UCRNN Constitution. This guide stipulates the specific roles and obligations of members. Organizations are encouraged to discuss with UCRNN leadership their interest and contributions to the coalition with a view to coming to an agreement. It is important that organizations periodically assess their role, involvement and commitment to the coalition.  Below is an outline of possible roles and obligations for member organizations by category. Although this may not be exhaustive, it provides ideas of what these roles and obligations should be;

Regional/District Level Organizations and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

Community Based Organizations and District Based NGOs are very strategically positioned meeting the needs of the affected children within the district communities. This is where UCRNN’s strength lies in reaching out to the target group through the CBO’s. The CBOs thus have these roles and obligation;

  • They share their experiences because they are in touch with the children and therefore on the ground. They have indisputable evidence that can be used for advocacy.
  • They provide a useful conduit to channel child rights information to the children and communities.
  • Are better placed to raise awareness of child rights and promote the appreciation of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at community level
  • Should generate issues of advocacy and pursue them to the logical conclusion because they are the experts.
  • Provide link between national level and the children

National Level Organizations

The national level organizations are unique in many aspects. Their level of coverage determines their national nature; majority of them operate in more than one region. The activities range from service delivery, media and publication work, to advocacy and policy influencing. These too bring to the coalition their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields and also lend their spheres of influence to the coalition. National level organizations thus have the following roles and obligations;


  • Provide Opportunities for advocacy at all levels
  • Include issues related to the coalition in their publications
  • They provide a useful conduit to channel child rights information to the children and communities.

Are better placed to raise awareness of child rights and promote the appreciation of the UNCRC at community level.

International Organizations

International organizations are strategically positioned to provide the much-needed international and regional linkages with their offices at those levels. They   should therefore use these links to share UCRNN positions with their head offices especially on issues that require international/ regional level engagement. Other roles include;

  • Linking with their partner organization on child rights advocacy.
  • Acting as a conduit for information dissemination at different levels.
  • Playing an active role in initiatives of the coalition including technical.
  • They provide a useful conduit to channel child rights information to the children and communities.
  • Are better placed to raise awareness of child rights and promote the appreciation of the convention at community level
  • Share information on their work on a periodic basis.


  • Certificate of recognition as a member of UCRNN and a child rights actor
  • Networking with other child rights actors in the coalition
  • Alliance building and support
  • Representation in different local and international forum
  • Access to information from various actors at national, regional and international levels
  • Capacity building on child rights issues and child rights programming
  • Leadership role at umbrella level
  • Program Enhancement through joint alignment of member programs to avoid duplication
  • Shared skills and Expertise
  • Collective advocacy and lobbying as a unified voice at different levels of policy influencing Sharing funding opportunities (calls for proposal)
  • Sharing funding opportunities (calls for proposal)
  • Participation and involvement in the thematic groups
  • Strategic alliance in resource mobilization and program implementation at different levels
  • Participation in UCRNN’s Annual general meetings and General Assemblies


UCRNN strongly believes in setting the stage for active membership and participation to uphold meaning full and value addition relationship in its network. So, in order for the members to sustain their membership, the following are the requirements in addition to the roles stated above;

  • Submission of annual program/organization reports
  • Submission of financial /audit reports (if any)
  • Bi annual news bulletin /updates on new developments for updating UCRNN member data base (i.e., change in contacts and address, geographical scope of programs